Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chocolate Whoopie Pies

These were very fun to make and fun to eat as well :P 

The recipe from Short and Sweet by Dan Lepard came with a recipe for a chocolate icing, which I made and thought tasted nasty so I made a chocolate buttercream for the top (a recipe from cooks illustrated that I ALWAYS use and is always delicious). 

For next time I would probably just make a buttercream (chocolate, chocolate orange, strawberry, lemon, or any other that sounds good at the time) and just fill the center (a thicker layer) with that and forget about putting frosting on the top.  

Also a tip my mom gave me, as transporting was a little tricky because they are round and tend to roll around.  Put a dab of frosting on the plate then place the whoopie pie on top and put in the fridge until ready to transport and they will not roll all around.  Worked well!!




  1. In standing mixer fitted with whisk attachment, beat butter at medium-high speed until smooth, about 20 seconds. Add confectioners' sugar and salt; beat at medium-low speed until most of the sugar is moistened, about 45 seconds. Scrape down bowl and beat at medium speed until mixture is fully combined, about 15 seconds; scrape bowl, add vanilla and beat at medium speed until incorporated, about 10 seconds, then reduce speed to low and gradually beat in chocolate. Increase speed to medium-high and beat until light and fluffy, about 4 minutes, scraping down bowl once or twice.

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