Sunday, April 28, 2013

Banana Bread with Tofu

We first thought this was not going to work out as we thought their would be chunks of tofu, however after pureeing and baking we found this is delicious! 

We do have some alterations we want to make for the next time though, as I am sure we will try soon :)  First we want to add some applesauce as a healthier way to add a little more moisture.  Also I wouldn't mind more whole wheat and less unbleached flour.  Also some fresh pineapple would do wonders in the bread, and if not then maybe an extra banana too.  Also a tablespoon of coconut oil or using coconut oil instead of the vegetable oil would be good.  Two other things would be adding (maybe quinoa) and definitely flax seed to make it even healthier and a good snack. All things to try in the future.

As for now, we didn't have walnuts and we used pecans and it turned out wonderfully.  We did slightly overcook it though.  I would suggest start checking after 40 minutes for the loaf and take it out when some of the bread still sticks to the toothpick, but not liquid.  As for the cupcakes (as we didn't have two loaf pans and we figured they would make good snacks) I would say start checking those at 15 minutes.  



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