Monday, April 22, 2013


Homemade Cheez-its! 
Love having homemade snacks around that aren't all processed! So I thought I would give these a shot. And they had me at just the smell, so good! Very easy to make too, just need to set aside time to let the dough cool.

Here's the recipe:

Makes about 80 cheez-its

-8 oz of cheese (I used sharp cheddar but use whatever you want!, best if hand shredded but works both ways)
-4 tablespoons of butter (softened)
-1 cup of flour
-1/2 tsp of salt
-3-4 tablespoons of ice cold water

First, mix (with mixer) the cheese and butter until incorporated and then add the flour and salt.  Mix in the flour and salt until it is flaky chucks and as semi-incorporated.  (You can also do this in a food processor, but I don't have one :( 

Next while mixing add one tablespoon of cold water in at a time until it makes a soft dough.  May need to add a bit more water than 4 tablespoons of water (I used four and a half).

Flatten out into disc and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.  After, roll the dough to about 1/8 inch thick and either cut with a fluted pastry cutter, use a cookie cutter, or like me just make the design with a fork.  Poke a hole into the center in each one too. Then sprinkle salt over the whole batch.

Bake at 375 for about 10 minutes until the sides begin to brown (time might vary) and enjoy!

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