Thursday, August 8, 2013

Earl Grey Cupcakes

I LOVE earl grey tea, so when I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it.  I wasn't quite sure how they would turn out, but I LOVED them!!  If anything they could use a little more earl grey taste, but that is up to you.  What I do want to try next time is instead of a vanilla buttercream on top, do a lavender buttercream.  Not a strong and overwhelming lavender but just enough to hint at the flavor and add a new dimension.  I actually just got some fresh lavender from my mom's garden, so I can't wait to try these cupcakes again :)

Recipe from Cupcakes from the Primrose Bakery by Martha Swift and Lisa Thomas

For the vanilla buttercream, I am still figuring out the perfect combination.  Usually I use a recipe along the lines of this...

For 12 cupcakes...
1 cup of butter
3 1/2 cups of confectioner's sugar
1 tsp of milk
1 tsp of vanilla
1/8 tsp of salt

1. Cream butter, sugar and salt until fully blended.
2. Add milk and vanilla and beat for 3-5 more minutes until smooth and creamy

While this recipe is pretty good, I usually add some more milk and a little less butter and really just experiment with it every time I use it to get the taste and consistency that I want. One day soon though I will perfect the recipe....soon.  And also if you have lavender (dried) I would mince some up and put about 1/2 teaspoon in at a time when you add the milk and vanilla until you get the taste that you like.

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