Friday, September 6, 2013

Chocolate Salted Carmel Cupcakes

Tonight was my first time making my own carmel and to be honest I was a little terrified after all the horror stories I have heard about ruining pots and pans.  

In the morning I made the cupcakes, which I was a little worried about because the batter was so runny.  They ended up turning out good and delicious in the end though:)

Later when I went to my parent's house for dinner I attempted to make the carmel.  I sat at the stove for ten minutes watching and waiting for my carmel to get to the correct temperature but unfortunately had to quickly run to the bathroom (no more than 1 minute) and I can back and the carmel was burnt. Lessoned learned. Second round went much better and after filling my cupcakes I actually had some left over which we put on some parchment paper to have for a snack later on. YUM!

The frosting was good but a little too thin for me.  I like a little bit of a thicker and stiffer buttercream.  It was interesting though, as I have never made a frosting like this one before.  Seemed to be a hit.

Recipe From Martha Steward's Cupcake Book... (I made half of everything)

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